Distribution updated [b]28.02.14 14:00[/b]
[b]- Release completely rebuilt[/b] ( matches with the old distribution is not)
[b]- Integrated patch to version[/b] [color=black][b] (Update 2)[/b][/color]
If the distribution to update downloads - rename the folder in The.LEGO.Movie.Videogame.Multi7-RU.Repack.by.z10yded
To update an old hand Download torrent file again and as the folder to upload , specify the directory with existing files.[/b]
<br /><img class="lazyjs" src="//kastatic.com/images/blank.gif" data-original="http://i.imgur.com/VvSX4HV.png" id="postImgAligned" alt="image" style="border: 0px; float: right;" />
<b class="field"> Year:</b> 07 February 2014
<br /><b class="field">Genre:</b> Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
<br /><b class="field">Developer:</b> Arcade (Platform) / 3D / 3rd Person
<br /><b class="field">Publishing House:</b> Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment / 1C-SoftKlab
<br /><b class="field">Developer Website:</b> http://videogames.lego.com/en-us/
<br /><b class="field">Language:</b> English/Multi
<br /><b class="field">Platform:</b> PC
<br /><b class="field">Medicine:</b> Sew (ALI213 SteamEmu)
<br /><b class="field">File Version:</b> (Update 2)
<br /><hr />
<br /><b class="field">System Requirements:</b>
<br /><span style="color: brown">✔ Operating System</span>: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8
<br /><span style="color: brown">✔ Processor</span>: AMD Athlon 64 X2 EE 3800 + (2 * 2000 Mhz) or similar Intel CPU, such as Intel Pentium Dual Core E2180 ( 2 * 2000 Mhz)
<br /><span style="color: brown">✔ RAM</span>: 2 GB
<br /><span style="color: brown">✔ Free Space on the Hard Disk</span>: 9 GB
<br /><span style="color: brown">✔ Video Card</span>: NVIDIA ® GeForce ™ GTS 450 / ATI ® Radeon ™ HD 5870 or better
<br /><span style="color: brown">✔ it's important </span>: Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall<br /><hr />
<br /><b class="field"> Description:</b>
Go Emmett and motley group of rebels in a heroic campaign against villain Lord Business - though for this task Emmett completely unprepared . You will find a fascinating journey in which you can play for more than 90 characters : Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Ninja, Gandalf, Shakespeare, Cleopatra , and others.
<br /><hr /><b class="field">Features Reoack:</b>
- Removed voice except the English / no recoded
- Resources of the game not to unpack
- Game Version (Update 2)
- Installation time ~ 7 minutes<hr />
<b class="field">Additional content:</b>
+ Wild West Pack
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